Army commander affirms nation's determination in face of presidential election


TEHRAN - Amidst the impending presidential elections, Iran's Army Chief Commander Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi has voiced the nation's steadfast commitment to the principles of the Islamic Revolution despite adversities.

Mousavi made the remarks in an address to a funeral ceremony honoring the late President of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, and his deceased companions on Sunday. 

Reflecting on the passing of Raisi and his companions, he remarked: "Since the moment this resilient nation of Iran received the news, they have expressed their profound emotions and sincere sentiments in various ways to honor these beloved figures."

Highlighting the global admiration for Iran's resilience, Mousavi stated: "Despite relentless media schemes aimed at undermining our nation, the presence of millions of Muslim citizens at the martyrs' funeral processions and commemorative events signifies Iran's unwavering strength and unity, propelling us forward with resilience."

Asserting that Iran has weathered similar storms in the past, Mousavi affirmed: "The resilient Iranian nation, guided by the leadership of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, will overcome this difficult period, illuminating the world once more with the brilliance of the Islamic Revolution and showcasing the splendor of the Islamic Republic of Iran."

He continued: "Throughout history, the Iranian people have emerged victorious from adversity. As we approach the presidential election, our nation will once again demonstrate its unwavering resolve against adversaries, propelled by the resilience and sacrifice of our martyrs and their families."

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The helicopter carrying Raisi and his entourage crashed around afternoon on Sunday as it was on its way to Tabriz, the capital of East Azerbaijan, from a location on the border with the Republic of Azerbaijan where the Iranian president had opened a major dam project.

Rescuers found the wreckage of the helicopter early on Monday after hours of extensive search which involved more than 70 teams.

Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian and two senior provincial officials along with crew members and bodyguards also died as a result of the crash.

Vice-President Mohammad Mokhber has been appointed to assume interim duties after the death of the president.

In the wake of the passing of the Iranian President, the country’s constitutional mandate outlined in Article 131 necessitates the swift organization of presidential elections in a timeframe of 50 days. A council comprising representatives from the judiciary, legislative, and the First Vice President is tasked with overseeing this transition. Following the council's deliberations and the subsequent approval by the Guardian Council, plans have been set in motion for early nationwide presidential elections scheduled for June 28, 2024.